May. 10, 2019
By Rep. Steve Mentzer (R-Lititz)
In conjunction with the Lancaster Barnstormers, veterans groups and local sponsors, I am inviting residents to begin registering for the 2019 “Salute to Veterans.” An online registration form for free admission for one veteran and a guest can be found at This year’s event will be held on Saturday, June 1, at 5:15 p.m. at Clipper Magazine Stadium, located at 650 N. Prince St. Gates open at 4 p.m.
Salute to Veterans marks a time when our community comes together to honor the dedication and sacrifices made by members of our nation’s military. Former Rep.John Bear began this tradition in 2008, and since that time my staff and our sponsors have worked to ensure that we continue to recognize our veterans for all that they’ve done for our country.
Veterans and their guest are invited to a Lancaster Barnstormers baseball game, which will begin at 6:30 p.m. Both will receive free admittance to the game and Barnstormer Bucks to spend on refreshments. Beginning at 5:15 p.m., an on-field ceremony will honor veterans, featuring performances by The Liberty Gals, singing sisters from the City of Brotherly Love who are one of the premiere nostalgia vocal groups on the east coast, the group dazzles with their tight harmonies, sleek choreography and charming stage presence.
Hannah Timm, a member of the Liberty Gals, is proud to have started her career in the central PA region, performing with all of the major theatres in Lancaster County. Having made her Broadway debut in 2018, she continues to entertain audiences from all over the world onstage as a guest entertainer on cruise ships.
I hope to see you on June 1st