Jul. 06, 2018
By Steve Mentzer (R-Lititz)
I am pleased to report that prior to the June 30 deadline, the General Assembly approved a no-tax-increase budget for the 2018-19 fiscal year that respects the taxpayer while also investing more money for all levels of education and protecting our communities and families.
The $32.7 billion spending plan is a 1.7 percent increase over the current fiscal year budget, which is below the rate of inflation. For the first time in a decade, the budget sets aside money for the state’s Rainy Day Fund.
My overall view on this budget is there were no fee or tax increases and we held the line on spending. That is what the average person is forced to do.
More information is available here.
Also important, older adults and Pennsylvanians with disabilities now have until Dec. 31, 2018, to apply for the state’s Property Tax/Rent Rebate program. The original deadline was June 30.
Eligibility information and forms are available by clicking here. Residents are reminded that assistance in filling out the applications is available free of charge at my district office. There is no need to pay a private firm for help.
Claimants who already applied for rebates may check the status of claims online at
revenue.pa.gov by clicking on the “Where’s My Property Tax/Rent Rebate?” link. Claimants may also call, toll-free, 1-888-PATAXES to check the status of their rebates.