Apr. 11, 2018

By Rep. Steve Mentzer (R-Lititz)
As we start the 2018-19 budget season, House Republicans intend to pursue a budget that does not increase taxes. Pennsylvania’s government needs to live within its means and not spend more than it takes in. We need more accountability in state spending and we need to ensure that the dollars we spend align with the needs of Pennsylvanians. By holding the line on spending and looking out for taxpayers, House Republicans have saved the taxpayers of Pennsylvania millions of dollars.

Pennsylvania’s economy has been lagging and needs to be reinvigorated. A major priority is finding ways to promote private sector job creation. Government must do its best to get out of the way and allow the private sector to be the driving force in our economy. We need to focus on keeping taxes low and regulations to a minimum. One essential role that government can play is to prepare our students for careers in Pennsylvania.

That is why I am glad to see the governor follow our lead by recognizing the importance of career and technical education in his budget proposal. We, as elected officials, constantly hear from the business community about the difficulty they face in finding qualified candidates for good-paying jobs throughout the Commonwealth. We need to train a new workforce that can meet the demands of a 21st century economy.

Last year, the House Republican Caucus embarked on a mission to reinvent government. While changing the way state government operates can be a frustrating endeavor, we fully intend to continue to eliminate government waste, end duplicative programs and find strategic ways to promote efficiencies in state government. We need to focus on ways to reduce state spending so that we can ensure long-term fiscal stability.