Nov. 30, 2017
By Rep. Steve Mentzer (R-Lititz)
The completion of Sixth Street to connect Orange Street and Rothsville Road on either side of Lititz has been a priority for the Lititz region for well over a decade. It was identified as a major transportation priority in 2004 specifically to improve traffic flow and pedestrian access through the borough by providing a much-needed east-west alternative to PA Route 772.
I commend the Commonwealth Financing Authority on its recent decision to dedicate $1.5 million of Multi-Modal funding to complete this crucial link. These funds will be used to create a new intersection on West Orange Street, extend Sixth Street through Warwick Woodland’s commercial district, connect Lititz Reserve to Rothsville Road, and relocate Pierson Road into the new road.
While this is a great step forward, more work needs to be done. The final portions of the project includes intersection improvements at Sixth Street and Woodcrest as well as the new intersection of Sixth Street with Clay and Rothsville roads. At this time, PennDOT officials are considering these improvements for their own Multi-Modal Grant Program, and I am hopeful they will agree that this will provide a significant improvement to the transportation and quality of life in and around Lititz.