Our Communities Get More than $1.5 Million for Health, Recreation and Public Safety, Mentzer Says
HARRISBURG - Rep. Steve Mentzer (R-Lancaster) today announced state grants totaling roughly $1.52 million have been awarded for projects that will improve public safety and create additional recreational opportunities.

“These funds will enhance community health, safety and recreational opportunities for communities in the 97th District,” Mentzer said. “These grants are coming from gaming funds so that needed improvements to our water, our law enforcement, and parks and recreation do not further burden taxpayers. I am pleased we were able to secure these funds and was glad to advocate for them.”

East Lampeter Township is receiving $126,980 to create a planning study for the Greater Lancaster Heritage Pathway. The planning study is being built from a larger design of Lancaster County and will advance the planning and conceptual design for the trail extension at Ben Franklin Boulevard to Geist Road and Oak Grove Drive to the Pitney Road/Hempstead Road intersection.  

Pequea Township is receiving $52,523 for the purchase of a 2022 Police Interceptor Utility AWD vehicle for the Pequea Township Police Department to replace one of the vehicles in a significantly aged fleet. Vehicle upgrades will include emergency lighting and prisoner seating, in-car camera system, and reflective graphics. This vehicle provides additional benefits through its safety and technology features, as well as cost savings from the hybrid engine.

West Lampeter Township is receiving $786,060 for the redevelopment of Willow Street Park. Willow Street Park was once the site of Willow Street Elementary School and comprised of a tennis court, basketball court, tot lot, large playground and parking lot.  All facilities have far exceeded their life expectancy. The project aims to revitalize and fully rehabilitate the property by first removing all existing site improvements including equipment, parking areas and play courts. 

Lancaster Area Sewer Authority is receiving $39,025 for a AQ300 automated multi-chemistry discrete analyzer package. The data generated from this equipment is used to verify that regulatory requirements are met, including Chesapeake Bay nutrient initiatives. 

Lancaster Area Sewer Authority is also receiving $48,000 in LSA funds to purchase a Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) analyzer. The purchase will include a distillation unit, digestion block and fume scrubber that have a typical life span of 15 years. The data from this equipment is a vital part of the authority’s commitment to meet regulatory requirements, including the Chesapeake Bay nutrient initiatives.

Funding for the projects is being provided through the Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA) Local Share Account (LSA) program, which uses gaming revenue to support projects in the public interest across the Commonwealth.
The CFA was established in 2004 as an independent agency of the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development to administer the Commonwealth’s economic stimulus packages.

Lancaster County House Republican Delegation
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Charles Lardner