Pay Freeze Bill Headed to Governor’s Desk
By Rep. Steve Mentzer (R-Lititz)
During these unprecedented and challenging economic times, my colleagues and I voted to freeze the Cost of Living Adjustments (COLAs) for state government officials through 2021.
House Bill 2487 received unanimous approval in both the House and the Senate and is now on its way to the governor’s desk to be signed into law.
The pay freeze, which I cosponsored, would apply to members of the Pennsylvania General Assembly, the governor, lieutenant governor, treasurer, attorney general, auditor general, and the judiciary.
The COVID-19 virus crisis has had a negative impact on our whole world. Businesses, public places of every kind, gatherings of various sizes, most have been made to cease operations or close. Our economy has especially taken a very hard hit, Pennsylvania’s residents are making sacrifices, and many of our neighbors are struggling just to feed their families.
It is the very least we can do to make this small sacrifice when so many of the residents of Pennsylvania are having to make hard decisions because of the changes to their financial situation because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The House Republican Caucus also placed a freeze on the hiring and merit salary increases of its employees for at least one year.